Look familiar at all? Dan Paladin, the man behind the art of Castle Crashers and Alien Hominid, worked on this baby right as he was putting the finishing touches on the flash version of AH. His unique style alone was enough to keep me going for the game.
I love how she makes a social commentary on the age range for the game show... ie the video game... ie many video games. The fact that they play with the fact that she has bars over her goodies just takes the whole character design to another level.
Ideas are intertwined in Whacked! which gives a great feel of the world the game inhabits (for instance, the Asson ad that you saw before is connected to a level that has a broken oil pipe in a subarctic climate and is also connected to the creation of one of the characters, Toof, who is a orange eating-machine that Asson apparently developed to eat oil particles). I give a nod to the writing 'team' on this one.
But going back to the sex which means going back to Lucy, which also goes back to the title of this post, I've been reading a book (what... that thing full of word thingies? what does that have to do with video games you ask?) called Porn & Pong: How Grand Theft Auto, Tomb Raider and other sexy games changed our culture (ISBN 978-1-932595-36-9) and I've found it to be a fascinating look at how sex permeates into all aspect of culture and pop-culture, including video games.
Damon Brown is the author and has written for non sex related publications like Playboy. While Brown's objective writing and history of sex and pop culture is a very interesting read, I was immediately drawn to the forward written by Jon M. Gibson who apparently was the co-founder of the Nerdcore label of calendars and stuffs.
His musings on the immaturity of the video game industry regarding sex really hit a note with me as I have a inherent interest on sex, video games and sex in video games. I'm not going to go into too much detail as this post is already long enough, but I will share a quote from the forward to Porn & Pong:
It's the foreplay videogames lack. They just skip right ahead to the fucking, on an express to orgasm. Evidenced by horny-boy fluff like Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball, Playboy: The Mansion and The Guy Game, boobs and booty - the McDonald's drive-thru version of sexy - are the only things that seem to matter.
This is very true but man did it work like a charm when I was younger. More on that later...
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